Words From The Ancient Stool

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Constantly looking for the next big thing is exhausting. Let's just enjoy the here and now, says Boyd Farrow. Au contraire, it is not wrong to be strong. Strength is a sign of true maturity.It is true that the human mind is free to wonder and yet the human mind gets enslaved by thoughts. Obviously, depicting the you can't eat your cake and have it.
Indeed, there's always a negative and a positive, a truth and a lie, a reality and fiction. The only way to remain optimistic is WISDOM. People of ancient times may seem out of fashion to us! But their outmoded way of life is a culture that can save. Maybe not all of us, but some of us. WORDS FROM THE ANCIENT STOOL is a poem that wishes to impact your life style. Freedom is the reason we all strive to succeed. However, most of us have chosen money instead of true freedom. Some too  have been enslaved, happily or sadly in alliance, a Relationship. This poem would push you beyond your limits. It will urge you to live ancient by applying WISDOM in order to promote UNITY. WORDS FROM THE ANCIENT STOOL, A PLETHORA. The reason Evelyn The Piper must continue writing, because mankind needs to hear words constantly for nourishment.

Stanza 1

Hunger and Anger installed
Creation bestowed
Placements enforced
Platforms located


Stanza 1-Line 1

Hunger and Anger installed

       Life is just like a stage. Humans are the characters who have different roles to play. Obviously, Man is faced with unlimited resources. It is no surprise that when a person is hungry he or she behaves in a particular way that draws attention. In our world today, we hunger for so many things, yet it is only important when we hunger for the right things.  Moreover, once hunger is set in motion,  Anger comes in. In view of the saying, "a hungry man is an angry man, " hunger and Anger may go together. The line presents the nature of man.  As human beings want to achieve many things and at the same time eschew failure, we forget that when there's a positive there's always a negative. Thus, the first words the Ancient Stool releases: Hunger and Anger installed; simply refers to the nature of every human (baby) which is wanting to know something, achieve something , and acquire something however possible. But remember the Ancient were not in a rush but they still lived and accomplished several things. What is your understanding of this line?

Line 2

Creation Bestowed

  This line reminds all humans that we have been given the right, the authority, the audacity and the power by God. Immediately a human being comes into existence,  the individual being a Creation, already has the power to make things happen. Probably, You don't believe that you have the right but I tell You
Creation Bestowed!

Line 3

Placements Enforced

     After a child is born the parents do their best to locate the child’s interest to know where to place the child. In the same vein, human beings already have their placements and hence, must enforce them. However, in the same situation, an adult decides to place himself anywhere. Indeed, Man has the authority. Truly from the Ancient Stool.

Line 4

Platforms Located

       This is the last line of this stanza. It brings us to a hault, as humans by nature, having passed through the hunger, confusion and placement stage, it is only natural to end up on a specific platform. But my big question is 
                                               Are you on the right Platform?
Stanza 2

I wish
I dream
But life itself
Makes the image seem clear

Stanza 2 - Line 1

I wish

      In the confusion, we realise that we have aspirations.  There's so much that one would want to achieve. Well, do not forget that man is the "I" here. Man has several things in mind at each point in time but be that as it may, man must learn to make the right choice.

Line 2

I dream

     Humans have a lot of milestones that they want to chalk.
However, it is important to be on the right Platform in order to achieve these dreams.

Line 3

But life itself

    The "but" here represents the probable misfortune. That  is the fact that negatives exist and life itself may play a big role in man's  achievement chase.

Line 4

Makes the image seem clear

Even though  there is a but that makes it look like all the wishes and dreams may not be fulfilled, this same life make us feel secure and think that everthing is perfect. But note the use of the word seem which displays how uncertain it is to actually be sure of attaining all man's goals.

keep visiting this page for updates as I continue to impart knowledge through poetry.


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