Last year was indeed wonderful. The ups and downs were all part of it. The joys and sadness were also a part of it. The thing is every year we go through several events. Different opportunities come our way but that doesn’t change the fact that we are humans who will forever remain imperfect. The best thing that happened to you in 2018 might be someone’s worst. So let’s all strive to make 2019 worth it.

Now I know that you’re thinking that I’m going to bore you with the normal you can make it; this year will be better; more blessings and all the things that we always say about a new year. But I’m here to surprise you! I believe that the only way to make a year worth it is to be you. I know that this is also nothing new, but have you bothered to ask yourself why people never accomplish what they set out to do. This is the basic reason: if you don’t accept yourself, you wouldn’t even be able to identify the problem. First, you need to develop your own philosophy, ideology and definition. Sometimes, we naturally feel less about ourselves. It happens but that is when you need your ideologies and definitions to speak to yourself.

Evidently, no one will ever know how you feel inside till you tell them. Hence, when no one knows what’s going on, no one will think of motivating you or helping you out of that situation. My aim isn’t to talk too much, but be that as it may to let you know that yourself-love is the positive drive that you need.

Many of you are good at the “self-love” philosophy but how do you achieve without the mindset to achieve. What exactly am I preaching to you? Nothing ever comes easy! You have to go through the painful; the hardship; the stress; the depression; and the joy to accomplish. Times are really quite unfavorable: economic issues, social issues and all the other issues that seem to hinder us. But will you be able to withstand the storm when it comes? Will you fight back? Will you accept yourself? 

Happy New Year! Your year will be wonderful and marvelous! To accelerate this wonderful year, accept yourself! “There is no greater suffering than constantly measuring yourself and coming up short, except perhaps the realization that your suffering is hurting others. But where do we learn these things? Because, really, they are learned. We don’t come crying out of the womb because of our birth weight or because we have no money in this brand new world. We learn to measure and we learn to attach our self-worth to those measurements.”― Vironika Tugaleva
                                                                                                                       Written By Evelyn Asare
                                                                                                                           1st January 2019


  1. Woow... Every powerful... Thanks Evelyn and God richly bless you.


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