
Showing posts from August, 2016


So I am thinking and wondering Looking and searching Perplexed and confused We live and yet Inevitable is death A natural occurrence  Not Stopped  I may Die today You could Die now Insecurity of the unknown  But it's bound to happen  Nothing will Stop it No Experiment nor Questionnaire  Oui, Il n'y a pas des personnes  qui peuvent le changer  Ça va être comme ça tous les temps  It will remain  For we are in Despair About everyone and everything  We live in Despair True - Wild Despair Why have great writers written and written? Despair! Several ideas  Different connotations to the world Even the public commons  See it Despair! It is Despair...

the Marketers

Revenue and remuneration Salaries and Employees Distribution Selling Production A different opinion Where are the profits? Who are the profits? Where have they all gone? They are not missing yet cannot be found the economy drowns Yet the economy grows Feeble minds lament  Active minds breakthrough Are leaders to be blamed? Is society to be considered? Who is to work? You! You! You! Wait not for an economical bloom Wait not for Leaders Vendors, we sell and watch our profits fly away like  an aeroplane Profits, do land Where?  We do not know Is it a dream or Is it corruption? that we invest and gain nothing that we sit under the hot sun and bargain only to obtain nothing that in our offices we meet suppliers then, bankruptcy Miscalculation Misplacement Anachronism Malapropism Errors occur they remain Effects produced I weep not Cry more Grape vine Worries upon worries Influence and distract

A Christian Life

Les Chrétiens The Christians May God be praised l'Éternel appela de nouveau Samuel pour la troisième fois. Aujourd'hui, C'est vous ! Today, the Lord is calling you Asking You Speaking to You Charging You So listen, We are in the 21st century where the rights and freedoms overshadow the acts of man and will power becomes captivity Wisdom essential, Proverbs 1:5 Que le sage écoute, et il augmentera son savoir, Et celui qui est intelligent acquerra de l'habileté May the wise listen, and increase their knowledge, and the man of understanding acquires skill. Do we stand with our knees bent,  NO! We stand Erect Then why do we stand with our knees bent Being Christian Living Christian Nous marchons chaque Dimanche à l'église We walk into the church every Sunday! Receive!  No! Listen to the sermon Forgetting that it is for remuneration that les salariés travaillent. Like them we are to work Hear it, listen to it Digest

Misplaced Heart

Flexible Emotion Plastic Mentality Metal,Iron Spirituality Glass heart Heavy part Missing Hut! Continuous inhabitation Rapturous implantation Fictitious imagination Melting joy Brooding sorrow Emancipated Pain                    by Evelyn the Piper, 2015